
ASB launches cold aid campaign

Over 40 sleeping bags for the homeless in the Rhine-Neckar region

In line with the motto "We help here and now", ASB is launching a nationwide cold aid campaign today, distributing sleeping bags and sleeping mats to the homeless.

In addition to ASB Baden-Württemberg e.V. and its regional branches, around 40 other ASB associations are taking part in the campaign, which is supported by Globetrotter, Europe's largest outdoor equipment retailer. "The number of homeless people is rising dramatically. Many emergency shelters are overcrowded, there are often not enough places for all those in need. Therefore, we have decided to help these people quickly and pragmatically," explains ASB Federal Director Ulrich Bauch the idea behind the campaign.The durable sleeping bags are intended primarily to help people who can not find accommodation for the cold season or are not convinced of its benefits. In Berlin, Bauch is supporting the distribution campaign together with ASB President Franz Müntefering.

Many people in the Rhine-Neckar region also live on the streets. For ASB Mannheim/Rhein-Neckar, it is therefore a matter of course to participate in the cold aid campaign. "This is about emergency aid. Helping people in need and perhaps thus saving a life - that is one of ASB's very own concerns," says Joachim Schmid, Managing Director of ASB Mannheim/Rhein-Neckar, explaining the initiative. "By distributing over 40 sleeping bags to the appropriate contact points, such as the homeless aid center in Heidelberg or the "Platform" in Walldorf, we hope to be able to ease the sometimes precarious situation of homeless people somewhat."