According to §6 Regulation of the State Government on infection control measures against the spread of the virus SARS-Cov-2 (Corona Regulation - CoronaVO) of March 16, 2020 - Measures for the protection of persons at particular risk - our facilities according to § 23 paragraph 3 sentence 1 number 1 and 3 to 5 IfSG may in principle no longer be entered for visiting purposes.
This applies to all our senior care facilities in the Rhine-Neckar district with locations in Heidelberg-Wieblingen (In Wieblingen alt werden), Heidelberg-Ziegelhausen (Parkresidenz am Neckar), Oftersheim (Das Samariter-Haus), Wiesloch (Johann-Philipp-Bronner-Haus) and Sandhausen (Domizil am Leimbach).
The facilities may permit access for visiting purposes under special circumstances if suitable measures can be taken to protect against infection.
Access by external persons for other reasons, in particular professional reasons, is only permitted in exceptional cases and with the consent of the management of the facility. If access is granted, suitable precautions must be taken to protect against infection.
We thank you - also on behalf of our residents and employees - for your understanding.