In addition to the location in Mannheim-Käfertal and Heidelberg-Rohrbach, our new rescue station in Hirschberg was officially opened on St. Martin's Day, November 11, 2019, in the presence of many invited guests.
Hirschberg's mayor, Ralf Gänshirt, presented a clock as a welcome gift, noting that the response time in the area would now definitely be met. This also pleased Joachim Stutz as representative of the cost bearers in the area committee, who had been involved in the project since the beginning of the planning of the rescue station.
In addition to an ambulance, an emergency medical vehicle (NEF) also departs from the new location during the day.
Prof. Dr. Erik Popp, head of the emergency medicine section at Heidelberg University Hospital, was presented with a mobile ultrasound device by the managing director of the ASB in Mannheim, Joachim Schmid, as a representative of the emergency physicians at the move-in, which can be used on the NEF in the future. Popp not only praised the new, modern accommodation, but did not miss the opportunity to point out that it is not self-evident that special medical equipment is kept available in the rescue service, which is not part of the standard equipment. The ASB is a great pioneer in terms of innovation and, in his opinion, is at the forefront of modern emergency rescue.
Daniel Groß, deputy state director of ASB Baden-Württemberg e.V., was of course happy to take note.
Although instead of the St. Martin's goose, the guests were served the classic rescue service-style meat-cheese rolls with potato salad, this did not put an end to the atmosphere in the Hirschberg industrial park.