Day care in Heidelberg Wieblingen

Day care means:

During the day, our guests are lovingly cared for by our qualified staff in barrier-free rooms.

The well-being and the social integration of the day guest, as well as the preservation and the promotion of the existing abilities stand with us in the foreground. We are guided by the wishes and needs of our guests.

By offering the possibility of arranging the days of care individually, we support and relieve the burden on family caregivers, thus giving them the freedom to organize their lives.

Our day care facility offers rest and retreat areas, but also sufficient space for social activities. If desired, our day guests can be picked up at home in the morning by our own driving service and brought home again in the afternoon. All care services, including medically prescribed measures, are provided by our nursing staff during the care time.

Impressions "Day Care Heidelberg Wieblingen"


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    You would like to receive further information about "Day Care Heidelberg Wieblingen" or have further questions? Please feel free to contact us. We are here for you!

    Day Care Heidelberg Wieblingen

    Mannheimer street 284
    69123 Heidelberg

    +49 6221 73665-0

    To the contact form

    Monika Sander

    Facility Management