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Current topics around the ASB Mannheim/Rhine-Neckar Region
Read our articles about the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) in Mannheim and the Rhine-Neckar Region. From the latest missions to general information from the everyday life of the ASB.
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Exceptional situation due to Corona pandemic

The services provided by Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Baden-Württemberg in emergency rescue, civil protection and in the care and support of people in need of help must also be safeguarded in times of crisis. In the current exceptional situation, this presents everyone with special ...
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Ban on visits to our senior facilities

According to §6 Regulation of the State Government on infection control measures against the spread of the virus SARS-Cov-2 (Corona Regulation - CoronaVO) of March 16, 2020 - Measures for the protection of persons at particular risk - our facilities may, according to §23 ...
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Cancellation first aid courses

Due to the current Corona and influenza situation, ASB will not be holding any first aid courses until further notice as a precautionary measure. If you have any questions, please contact our administration by email info@asb-rhein-neckar-de or by phone 0621/72707-0. Thank you for ...
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Deep mourning at ASB

We were completely stunned to hear the news of the sudden death of our young employee Jessica F., who died during the birth of her child. Our sympathy goes out to Jessica's family and partner. The right ...
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ASB statement on video from ambulance

Since last Friday, a video from an ASB ambulance has been circulating on the web and in social media, in which employees, together with the patient, engage in a vituperative chant against Kaiserslautern. This video was posted without ...
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Opening of the new rescue station in Hirschberg

In addition to the location in Mannheim-Käfertal and Heidelberg-Rohrbach, our new rescue station in Hirschberg was officially opened on St. Martin's Day, 11.11.2019, in the presence of many invited guests. Hirschberg's mayor Ralf Gänshirt handed over as a welcome gift a clock with ...
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Long Night of Arts and Delights 2019

Red carpets, shining lights and green ornamental trees - these are the distinguishing features of the Long Night of Arts and Delights. On Saturday, November 02, 2019, the tradespeople in Mannheim's districts will once again be inviting visitors to ...
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Orientation seminar outpatient hospice service on March 11 and 12, 2022.

We would like to prepare volunteer hospice companions for this fulfilling task. The orientation seminar allows an initial overview of the requirements of voluntary hospice care with us, so that you can assess your personal skills and your resilience for ...
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Action day "Resuscitation" with first mayor Specht

For the nationwide "Week of Resuscitation" from September 16 to 22, a day of action will be held on Saturday, September 21, from 1 to 4 p.m. at two locations in the city center (Kapuzinerplanken, Paradeplatz). Under the motto "A life ...
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Invitation to the open day in Ziegelhausen

After a successful opening event, we cordially invite all interested citizens, relatives, friends and supporters of the ASB to the open house of our "Parkresidenz am Neckar" in Heidelberg-Ziegelhausen on Saturday, September 7, from ...
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If you would like to work with us or have questions about any of the items above, please feel free to contact our public relations contact.