Read our articles about the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) in Mannheim and the Rhine-Neckar Region. From the latest missions to general information from the everyday life of the ASB.
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Ludwig and Zorro take hearts by storm:
Kraichgau llamas cause a stir at the senior citizens' home Domizil am Leimbach in Sandhausen. (Mannheim, 20.01.2022) A visit to a retirement home? No drama for a llama. Ludwig and Zorro trot completely relaxed into the facility of the ASB Mannheim/Rhine-Neckar Region...

Training in nursing - a profession with a future.
ASB Mannheim/Rhine-Neckar Region strengthens team in the training area. (Mannheim, 19.01.2022) Training in nursing offers many opportunities and good prospects: The ASB Mannheim/Rhine-Neckar Region attaches importance to good training and supports people who want to ...
"4 für Euch"- The aid organizations in Mannheim:
No bottlenecks in the Mannheim rescue service - aid organizations support each other. (Mannheim, 11.01.2022) The current Corona situation also poses challenges for the rescue service in Mannheim, but there are currently no bottlenecks. "We are currently well positioned," says Hendrik ...
102 years old - a great birthday
Mayor Jens Geiß is also attending the celebration at ASB-Samariterhaus Oftersheim 102 years - that is a proud number and an impressive age. Elisabeth Pfeffer is one of the oldest citizens in Oftersheim, and she is also ...
Waffles, mulled wine and Christmas carols
The ASB-Samariterhaus Oftersheim celebrates an Advent festival with residents (Mannheim/Oftersheim, 15.12.2021) The smell of freshly baked waffles wafts through the entire house. In addition, there is Linzertorte and Christstollen, fine salmon appetizers and who wants, gets ...
Visiting regulations in our nursing homes since December 20, 2021.
Please note our current regulations for visits to our care facilities. We are guided by the Corona Ordinance of the state of Baden-Württemberg. The visiting rules are therefore also adjusted on a daily basis. In all facilities of the ASB Mannheim/Rhine-Neckar Region ...
"4 for you" - The aid organizations in Mannheim
Intensive care transport bus stationed in Mannheim - aid organizations plan and drive together. (Mannheim, Nov. 23, 2021) One of two large-capacity intensive care transport buses purchased by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs last year for transporting COVID-19 patients arrived in Mannheim on Monday, Nov. 22, ...
Corona Taskforce back in action:
ASB Mannheim/Rhine-Neckar Region supports employees and protects home residents with further safety precautions. (Mannheim/Heidelberg, 19.11.2021) Since Monday of this week, the Corona Taskforce has once again been deployed at all ASB Mannheim/Rhine-Neckar Region facilities. The preparations ...
"Lantern lantern" - great joy for young and old:
Kindergarten visits the ASB facility "Parkresidenz am Neckar" in Heidelberg-Ziegelhausen for St. Martin "Laterne Laterne" - cheerful children's voices resound in the garden of the retirement home Parkresidenz am Neckar. It is the children of the Protestant kindergarten Schlierbach, who with ...
70 years of happy marriage - with ups and downs
Grace wedding in the ASB facility "Parkresidenz am Neckar" in Heidelberg-Ziegelhausen (Mannheim/Heidelberg, 22.10.2021) Änne and Gottfried are beaming: They have been married for 70 years. In the "Parkresidenz am Neckar" they celebrate now their grace wedding. The ...
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